• Do the use cases conform to the business you want them to describe?
    • Have all the use cases been found? The use cases should together perform all activities within the business.
    • Are all activities within the business included in at least one use case?
    • Is there a balance between the number and the size of the use cases?
    • Is each use case unique? If not, consider merging it with a similar use case.
    • Do the diagrams appear to be well-structured?
    • Are the diagrams so large and complex that they should be broken down into several smaller diagrams?
    • Have all business actors been found?
    • Does each (human) business actor express a role, not a person? Try to name at least two people that can act as the actor.
    • Does each business actor model something outside the business?
    • Is each business actor involved with at least one use case? If not, remove it.

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Display Rational Unified Process using frames

Rational Unified Process